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Anasynthesis Up-date
2024: Articles updated with new renders.
The temples of Bacchus and Jupiter at the Baalbek temple complex.
Alexandria. Reconstruction in 50BCE.
The Telesterion at Eleusis. Reconstruction and analysis.
The temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion reconstructs both the archaic and classical temples.
The temple of Messon at the pan-Lesbian sanctuary of Messon on the island of Lesbos.
See our ‘articles menu' above to access all three online publications.
Anasynthesis - the new home for our previous three online publications. Incorporating all three websites under one aegis.
Above: Nike is now. Now incorporated - with new renders and reconstructions. See: NIKE menu.
Above: The Erechtheion. Incorporated - with new renders and reconstructions. See: ERECHTHEION menu.
Above: The Thymele. Our third project - incorporated - with new renders. See: THYMELE menu.
Anasynthesis is is an independent website that is not owned by, affiliated with, run or controlled (either directly or...
Read MoreAn Unrealised Plan
There is something serious wrong with the Erechtheion. Unlike the Parthenon and the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion doesn't look like or behave like a...
Read MoreNike in vase painting
Nike in vase painting , Nike is particularly popular. She is almost always shown with wings – her defining attribute – and in a stance or position that...
Read MoreReconstructing the Erechtheion
Our reconstruction is as accurate as it is possible to be. Working from detailed CAD models which were drawn up by Dr Paul Blomerus, who referred to all the...
Read MorePergamon
Anasynthesis: the reconstruction of Pergamon in the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial times. In the Delphi project we saw Pergamene architecture beyond...
Sometime around 380 BC the citizens of the small Peloponnesian city Epidaurus launched a massive building program at the nearby healing sanctuary of...
Read MoreContacts
John Goodinson Artist/designer/illustrator
Christina Jansen Photographer
Phenomenists Internet Agency/ISP
The British Museum London England
The Acropolis Museum Athens Greece
Maxon Software Developer
Our affiliate partner
Theran Press is the academic publishing imprint of Silver Goat Media. Theran is dedicated to authentic partnerships with its academic associates, to the high quality design of scholarly books, and to elite standards of peer review. Theran seeks to liberate intellectuals from the confines of traditional academic publishing. Theran authors are authorities and revolutionaries in their respective fields.
Theran encourages new models for generating and distributing art, science, and knowledge. For our creatives. For our communities. For our world.
Our Hosting Partner
Phenomenists Internet (ISP) was founded in 2000, to meet a growing demand for cost-effective and
reactive internet services, Phenomenists have provided the hosting services and support for all our online projects since 2008. John Goodinson is a member of the creative team and has worked with Phenomenists since 2008.