John Svolos is the scientific advisor for the reconstruction of the sanctuary of Epidaurus and especially the architecture of the Thymele. Both he and John Goodinson together have recreated an unique 3D model of the Thymele incorporating all the sculptural elements of the original building, down to the most minute details.

john svolosJohn Svolos studied Architecture at the School of Architecture of the 'Metsovion' National Polytechnic Institution (Athens 1973-78). He then pursued postgraduate studies at the School of Architecture of the State University of New York at Buffalo (USA), where he took his Master’s Degree in Landscape Design & Historic Preservation (1978–1979).

 From 1983-1986, John took part in an archeological survey of Kea island, conducted by a team from Athens University.

From 1984 to 1992, John worked for the Committee for the Restoration of the Monuments of the Sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidaurus (Greek Ministry of Culture). As a restorations architect, he was responsible for the study, conservation and restoration proposal regarding the Thymele.

From 1995 to 2001, John worked at the “Foundation of the Hellenic World” (FHW), where he applied his knowledge and skills in 3D modeling and data bank building to Greek Asia Minor. As scientific advisor at the Department of 3D Graphics he contributed to the construction of digital models of ancient edifices and urban complexes in numerous Greek, Roman and Byzantine cities of Asia Minor.

In 1997, he traveled thoroughly in Turkey, visiting ancient Greek and Roman archaeological sites. In January 1998, a documentary film produced by FHW under the title “Miletus a city in four dimensions”, was presented at the International Festival of Archaeological Documentary in Amiens, where it won first prize.

A series of similar documentaries followed, under the title “From Troas to Cilicia”. He also contributed to the adaptation and/or production of 3D models suitable for the then still evolving technology of Virtual Reality (Ancient Priene, Asia Minor); these were later used in the production of content shown in the CAVE (virtual reality theater) of FHW, in the educational center “Hellenic World”.

While in the FHW, John worked as scientific advisor at the Data Bank for the Built Environment of Asia Minor. Under this capacity he collaborated as principal scientific advisor in the production of a mainly architectural monograph on the city of Ancient Priene first published in Greece and then in the USA, by Harvard University Press.

A second, similar edition on the city of Ancient Ephesus, published in Greece, also contains work executed under his supervision.

In 2000, John contributed to a five-part documentary on the ancient Olympics. From 1992-2011 he collaborated as scientific advisor on various archaeological and/or restoration projects executed by the architectural office of Liana Chlepa.

Below: Planning the reconstruction of the Thymele. Reconstruction of the Propylaea and temple of Artemis at the sanctuary of Asklepius, Epidaurus.