Anasynthesis brings 'Nikeisnow', 'Thymeleofepidaurus' and 'Erechtheion' - our three prevous websites into one location.
Our ultimate aim is to produce a series of online publications that raises the profile and understanding of Greek culture, architecture and history to students, historians, architects and also the public. By using the latest research to build 3D models we explore how these buildings looked, functioned and worked in classical antiquity.

Anasynthesis licencing print education

Our digital 3D reconstructions have featured in international print publications. In the USA these include: the Thymele at Epidauros (link here). In ’A History of Greek Art’ by Mark D. Stansbury-O’Donnell, the sanctuary of Asklepius and Thymele are included. In Japan: Toyo University featured our reconstruction of the Acropolis and Parthenon in their publication: ‘The illustrated Life of the Ancient Greeks’. The Liebieghaus Museum in Frankfurt. The Latvian National Museum of Art and the Open University (UK) have licenced our reconstructions for both online and internal exhibitions as well as educational publication.

In France: ‘Le visiteur n°25’, ‘architecture in representations’ published our reconstruction of the temple of Mars Ultor (forum of Augustus). Our 3D digital reconstruction of Delphi appears on the front cover of ‘Listening to the Stones’, - Essays on Architecture and Function in Ancient Greek Sanctuaries in Honour of Richard Alan Tomlinson.

Archaeologist Peter Schultz
introduces us to ‘Nike’ and explores, illuminates and informs us about this Greek goddess, her temples, her cults, her influences, and her powers, from ancient times to modern. Where and when did Nike become so important, inspirational and influential? How did her cult begin? What did the people who first paid homage to her intend?

Presenter & archaeologist Dr Alexandra Lesk
, PhD, has a passion for the Erechtheion - its architecture and its history. Her work, including her thesis, ‘A Diachronic Examination of the Erechtheion and its Reception’ endorses a full reconsideration of the construction, function and after-life of the temple and throws open debate that encourages discussion on the accepted viewpoint.

Bronwen Wickkiser
Associate Professor of classics together with Peter Schultz and scientific advisor John Svolos introduce us to a unique building known as the ‘Thymele’. In terms of scale, expense and design, nothing like the Epidaurian building program had been attempted since Pericles’s grand imperial project in fifth-century Athens.

Our fourth project is Delphi. In 2020 we started a systematic modelling of the sanctuary of Apollo between the 6th, 4th and 2nd centuries when the sanctuary underwent considerable expansion.

Our major new project at Anasynthesis: the reconstruction of Pergamon in the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial times. Professor Elena C. Partida introduces our preliminary model with an introductory article describing the background history and archaeology of the period.